12 September 2016

Arq un Nisa Sciatica Pain Ka Ilaj - عرق النساﺀ

Arq un Nisa Sciatica Pain Ka Ilaj - عرق النساﺀ Sciatica pain treatment in Urdu What is Arq Un Nisa in Urdu?: The main symptom is the typical sciatic pain....

11 September 2016

Diabetes Treatment - Sugar Ka Ilaj

Diabetes Treatment - Sugar Ka Ilaj  Medical scientists currently not able to discover causes of diabetes, whatever some facts are available which causes diabetes overweight and genes are one of them....

What is Congo Virus, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

What is Congo Virus? Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a viral disease that spreads through tick bite. It was first described in Crimea in 1944 and was called Crimean Hemorrhagic...

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