09 April 2016

Add Text Box & Textarea

Add Text Box and Textarea
There are times when you want to insert plain text into your Blog Post or template. This may be a piece of HTML code or JavaScript that you would like readers to copy, such as the “Link to Our Site” code in the sidebar. It could also be the Terms of a Legal Agreement that users can view. As we shall be discussing in our article on creating forms in Blogs, the text box can also be used in feedback forms for users to input feedback and comments.

The HTML code of the text box makes use of the <textarea> property. For the text box to be in a Blog Post, while drafting the Post, switch to “Edit HTML” mode to insert the following code. If it is to appear in the sidebar or other parts of the template, go to Template -> Page Elements -> Add a Page Element and select “HTML/JavaScript” to insert this code.

<textarea rows="2" cols="30" name="Famous Quotes" readonly="readonly">YOUR TEXT HERE</textarea>

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