24 December 2013

20 Saal Baad Ap Kese Lage Ge


Makeup Instrument


Picasa 3.9.0


Adobe Photoshop Portable CS6

Adobe Photoshop Portable CS6 Adobe Photoshop is probably the best known photo editing application till date. The application has such an impact that a new term has been introduced for...

20 December 2013

Single Click Per Computer Lock Karen


Run Menu Se Program Ki Safai Krna


Bina Name K File Ya Folder Banaye


Samsung Mobile Codes

Hi there, today I'm here with 250 working different short codes of samsung mobile... Here the shortcut codes of samsung goes:*#06# IMEI code*#9998*4357# Help Menu*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for...

Ghalat Websites Block Karen


Computer Shutdown Short Key


Apne Computer Ka Gender Check karen.

Sub se pehle notepade on karen. Notepade main ye code likhen. createobject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"i love you" phir file ko desktop per Gender.Vbs k name se save kar den. yad rakhen file name...

Apne Computer ko Paintium 4 se D Banayen

sub se pehle start menu per click karen. us k baad run per click karen. run me regedit likh kar registry editor khool len. ab is path per aa jaye....

19 December 2013

News Headline

Notepad open karen. Notepad me ye past karen   <h1><marquee>Your Text Here<marqee><h1>     Your Text Here ki jaga apna name likh de. File ko desktop per kisi bhi name se save...

18 December 2013

Fatigue (Thakan)

Fatigue Fatigue (Thakan) problem can transitional, ad-hoc and old, regular also. It needs the full rest. Fatigue is a common problem, which cause mostly hard and long lasting work. Unavoidable...

Headache (Sir Dard)

Headache (Sir Dard) Headache (sir dard) is a common problem. Everyone face the headache in routine time. It contact with the changes of brain organism. Actual pain is relate from provocation...

Earache (Kaan Ka Dard)

Earache (Kaan Ka Dard) Earache (Kaan ka dard) is a very dangerous ache. It symptoms is infection in the inner and outer part of the ear. It is common thing to...

Kidney Stones (Gurde Ki Pathri)

Kidney Stones (Gurde Ki Pathri) The process of forming a kidney stone (gurde ki pathri). The kidney stone are common cause of blood in the urine, pain in the abdomen, flank...

Lose Weight (Motapa) Fat

Fat (Motapa Tips) Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, and...

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever Dengue fever also known as bone break fever. It is an infectious tropical disease cause by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains and...


Malaria Malaria and Dengue is almost same diseases. A malaria symptom has fever and dengue attack in the blood directly, which reduce the platelets of Human body. Malaria and Dengue...

Stomach / Peptic Ulcer

Ulcer Ulcer is a very dangerous disease. It is the problem of stomach and digestive disorder. Peptic ulcer disease is the most common ulcer in human life. Because it cause...

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